Pro-Labor blog by IBT Local 651 Member John Blickenstaff featuring Labor Issues in Kentucky. For national labor news, click the link on the right pane :


Great Letter to the Editor by Teamster Brother


Since the decline of organized labor, middle-class America has disappeared. The current laws make it almost impossible to organize anymore.

.... [this part is good, click on the Linky]

Mr. Will states that the EFCA will "short-circuit the process of persuading workers through a public debate between unions and employers." What the heck is he talking about? Never have I had a debate in the same room with employees, management and union representatives. It would never happen because the employers' lies would be exposed.

Please, middle-class America, wake up. Join organized labor.

.... [I picked out great parts, but there are other really good ones, click on the Linky]


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